International Student Poster Competition
A research poster is a concise visual summary of a research study, typically displayed at conferences or competitions. It includes a title that encapsulates the study’s focus, authors’ names and affiliations, an introduction providing context and significance, methods detailing how the research was conducted, results presented through graphs or tables, a discussion of findings and their implications, a conclusion summarizing key outcomes, and references citing relevant literature. These posters aim to effectively communicate complex research findings to a diverse audience, fostering discussion and collaboration within the academic community. Various issues indicate the need for development in transportation systems, infrastructure, technology, and urban planning. This competition adopts the theme of “Sustainable Design Engineering” to raise awareness among students about the challenges faced by countries worldwide. The International Student Poster Competition serves as a platform for students to showcase their innovations. By participating in this competition, students are encouraged to contribute significant solutions toward a sustainable future.
The objective behind the poster competition is to bring out the creative expression of students and to gauge their knowledge and awareness of various trends in Sustainable Design Engineering. The aim of the poster competition is not just to judge the students based on their creative aspects but also to trigger thought processes among the students towards recent trends of Sustainable Design Engineering.
The poster competition can be on any one of the following themes relating to Sustainable Design Engineering.
- Energy Efficiency
Waste Reduction and Management
Environmental Impact Assessment
Sustainable Urban Planning
Ecological Design
Water Resource Management
Sustainable Transportation
Climate Resilience
Social and Economic Sustainability
Green Technology Innovation
The above subjects’ list is illustrative and it is not exhaustive, and hence any other topic which can be brought under the purview of Sustainable Design Engineering will be allowed for poster competition.
The registration requirements for the International Student Poster Competition are as follows:
Participants must register within the designated registration period. The registration fee is Rp. 150,000 (One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Indonesian Rupiah) or 10 USD (Ten United States Dollars).
Registration confirmation is done by filling out the Google Form completed with the proof of payment at:

The competition is open to all Universities participating in the International Conference on Civil, Architecture, Environmental Engineering and Technology (ICCAEET).
Each Participant can post up to two posters per student.
Participants must read and adhere to every mechanism of the competition as outlined in the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the International Student Poster Competition.
The submissions for the poster competition, including: Registration and Payment, Video Submission, and Poster Submission should be filled in through the provided link.
Any additional rules, supplementary provisions, or schedule changes will be communicated further by the committee.
All rules and decisions made by the jury panel in the International Student Poster Competition are final and cannot be contested.
The committee reserves the right to impose sanctions, including disqualification, on participants found to have engaged in cheating.
A3 size (11.7 * 16.5 inches) with margins (0.5 inches) on all sides
Either a hand-drawn/painted poster.
The topic theme should be clearly mentioned in the top margin of the poster.
Poster should not contain any personal details like Name, Class, College etc. of the participants. These details should be mentioned in the registration form only.
Participants should submit along with the poster, a video clip explaining the topic and content of the poster in English. The video clip should not be more than 5 minutes of duration.
The Poster must be submitted in JPEG/PNG format, and the video must be submitted in MP4 format. Both are submitted through the provided link.
First, Second and Third Place winners will be chosen by a panel of ICCAEET judges and announced by July 30, 2024 with the following prizes:
1st Place : 100 USD
2nd Place : Trip to Mount Bromo, East Java – Indonesia
3rd Place : Opportunity to submit a paper at ICCAEET
Registration, Payment, and Submission : May 13 – July 23, 2024
Semifinalist Announcement : July 25, 2024
Semifinal Presentation : July 27, 2024
Winner Announcement : July 30, 2024
Prize Giving : September 28, 2024
Further information about this competition can be accessed through :
Website :\
Instagram : jts_itats / hmts_itats
Email : [email protected]
Phone Number/Whatsapp : +62-821-4256-3196 (Aisyah)