Breaking Boundaries:
Innovating and Rehabilitating for a Better Future

The 1st International Conference on Civil, Architecture, Environmental Engineering and Technology

Dear Colleagues and Esteemed Researchers,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Conference on Civil, Architecture, Environmental Engineering and Technology (ICCAEET) held on 28–29 September 2024. With the theme “Breaking Boundaries: Innovating and Rehabilitating for a Better Future”, this conference will bring us together to embrace new norms and revolution in various architecture and civil engineering areas.

All authors should register through the My Sigma Portal and follow the instructions to submit their papers. You can track your paper status through your account in the portal.




Prof. Dr. Eng. Marina Traykova

University of Architecture, Civil Engineering ang 

Prof. Ir. Priyo Suprobo, M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia

Prof. Kivanc Taskin

Eskisehir Technical Univesity, Turkiye

Prof YOU, Sheng-Jie

Chung Yuan Cristian University, Taiwan

Dr. G. Manivannan

Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology, Tamil Nadu, India


Prof. Ir. Ridho Bayuaji, ST.,MT.,Ph.D.,IPM.,ASEAN Eng

Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia Jawa Timur 
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 

Dr. Ir. SS Emamian

Sigma Research and Consulting (SRC Group)
Manufacturing at the university of Twente

Dr. Ir. Hendrata Wibisana,M.T.

Departement of Civil Engineering 
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur

Doddy Prayogo, S.T.,M.T.,M.Sc.,Ph.D

Departement of Civil Engineering 
Universitas Kristen Petra

Dr. Mohit Singh Rana

Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Purdue University, West Lafayette

Dr. Ir. Tukimun, S.T.,M.T.,IPM.,Asean Eng

Engineering Faculty
Universitas 17 Agustus 

Ir. Nicco Plamonia,M.T.,M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Civil Engineering Departement
Universitas Pancasila

Prof.Dr. Zoltan Orban, Ph.D. habil

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
University of Pecs

Dr. Ir.Eng.M.Ferdaus Noor Aulady,ST.,MT.,M.Sc.

Civil Engineering Departement
Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Dr. Anjerick J. Topacio

Lyceum of the Philippines University Department of Engineering

E. (Elham) Maghsoudi Nia, Ph.D.

Faculty of Architecture and The Built Environment 
Technische Universiteit Delft

Dr. Asdam Tambusay

Departement of Civil Engineering 
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Sribayun Budhiatmika, M.T.

Engineering Manager
Pt. Tjakrindo Mas 
Concrete Division

Prof. Dr. Eng. Alexander Taushanov

University of Architecture Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 
Sofia, Bulgaria


Important Dates

Full paper submission
6th September 2024
Notification of acceptance
9th September 2024
Registration and Payment
> Early: 6th September 2024
> Final: 10th September 2024
Event start
28th September 2024

Call for Papers

ICCAEET 2024 aims to promote the international exchange of ideas among researchers in academia and industry. We would like to invite you to submit your manuscript on topics here.

Publication & Tracking

All accepted papers of ICCAEET 2024 will be published in one of the journals/that are announced here.

Paper Submission

All authors should register through My Sigma Portal and follow the instructions in order to submit their papers. You can track your paper status through your account in the portal. You may find the paper submission guidelines here.

Review Process

All the submissions must be sent to our My Sigma portal before the submission deadline. The manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by our experts. If your paper is accepted, we will forward it for proofreading after the registration.


In order to register for the conference and have your paper included in the publication successfully, Please follow the steps in the My Sigma portal.
For the information on registration fee and registration without paper, please go to this link.


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